Q1- What fertilizers does the plant need in its early stages of vegetative growth, and what does it need for root growth, as well as for the appearance of flowers and improvement of fruits???

- Nitrogen is needed for leaf growth - Phosphorus for root growth and flowers - Potassium for fruit growth.

Q2- What are the consequences of relying on one type of pesticide to combat pests???

-The emergence of resistance and thus the spread of diseases.

Q3- What are the disadvantages of using non-decomposing animal manure???

- Animal manure that is not decomposed in the soil, when added to the soil, begins to decompose, raising the temperature of the soil to 60%, and this affects the roots of the plant.

Q4- What are the possible causes of yellowing of plants??? -lack of elements - root diseases - lack of lighting - high temperature. Q- How do you protect a crop?

When does the wind speed increase in summer???
-Closing the side from which the wind blows - Providing sufficient relative humidity - Increasing irrigation - Regular fertilization - Planting windbreaks.

Q5- What are the major elements necessary for plant nutrition???

Nitrogen - phosphorus - potassium.

Q6- What are the trace elements necessary for plant nutrition???

Calcium - sulfur - magnesium.

Q7- What are the microelements necessary for plant nutrition???

Iron, copper, zinc, manganese, and boron.

Q8- What are the causes of the twisting and deformation of cucumber fruits???

Nitrogen and potash deficiency or insect infestations such as thrips and spiders.

Q9- What are the appropriate environmental conditions for the emergence and development of late blight???

High air humidity of 90% and low temperature.

Q10-What should you do when the weather becomes suitable for late blight to appear???

Spraying preventive pesticides, reducing humidity through ventilation, reducing vegetative growth, and reducing irrigation.

Q11 - What is the difference between systemic pesticide and contact pesticide???

The systemic pesticide penetrates the plant's epidermis moves through the bark and xylem and eradicates the disease from within, while the contact pesticide has an effect only on the surface of the plant.

Q12 -Why should I use other nutrients for the growing period than those used for the plant’s flowering period?

- During different stages of development, plants need nutrients in different mutual relationships.
- When plants begin to flower, it makes the root environment more acidic. This means that in the root environment, other elements become more important.

Q13 - When should I start giving nutrients to make the plant bloom?

As soon as you see the first signs of flowering, you should start giving nutrients.

Q14 - When does the growth phase begin when I plant seeds?

The seeds can turn into young plants within 5 to 10 days. It is important that the roots are well formed and the leaves are healthy. From that moment on, the plant's growth phase begins.